Ways to Avoid Damaging Your Heating System

December 18, 2020

While you may not think about your home’s heating system that often, this can be a big mistake. Many homeowners damage their heating systems by not following some basic rules. Don’t Neglect Maintenance Heating systems are like cars. If they don’t get regular maintenance, they don’t work right and have a shortened lifespan. You need to have yours professionally maintained annually, preferably in the fall. During a maintenance appointment, the technician will clean and inspect your system. They’ll clean critical parts to keep them from failing and ensure that they work

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3 Tips on How to Choose a Furnace for Cold Washington Winters

November 19, 2020

Finding the best furnace for your home isn’t always an easy task. Winter season is fast approaching, and staying warm in Washington is always a top priority. Keeping a few simple tips in mind is a great way to help you find a furnace that best meets your needs without going over budget. Here are three tips to remember to help you choose a furnace to keep you and your family warm this winter. 1. Find the Right Size One of the most important aspects of finding a furnace is to

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