How to Prepare for a Power Outage

March 17, 2021

Power outages can happen both in the winter and summer. Heavy rainfalls and strong winter winds can result in power loss, and so can summer storms that prolong power outages in Spokane. Power outages can disrupt communication, utility services, transportation and lead to various problems in the house. Thunderstorms also damage electric poles and other elements, causing a power outage. The most important justice you can do for your family is to adequately prepare for a power outage. Consider these ways to protect your home appliances and yourself from the adverse effects of a power outage. Store

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Can Humidity Cause Electrical Problems Inside Homes?

February 18, 2021

Updated 4/3/2024 High humidity in your Spokane, WA, home doesn’t just affect your comfort. It can wreak havoc on your wood furnishings, paper, and cardboard items, and even your electrical system. Consider these four ways humidity can lead to electrical problems in your home. 1. Degraded Insulation Excess moisture can degrade the insulation around your home’s wiring. Degraded insulation allows the heat from the flow of electricity to spread where it shouldn’t be. If the wiring overheats, it could start an electrical fire. Degraded insulation is

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Ways to Avoid Damaging Your Heating System

December 18, 2020

While you may not think about your home’s heating system that often, this can be a big mistake. Many homeowners damage their heating systems by not following some basic rules. Don’t Neglect Maintenance Heating systems are like cars. If they don’t get regular maintenance, they don’t work right and have a shortened lifespan. You need to have yours professionally maintained annually, preferably in the fall. During a maintenance appointment, the technician will clean and inspect your system. They’ll clean critical parts to keep them from failing and ensure that they work

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3 Tips on How to Choose a Furnace for Cold Washington Winters

November 19, 2020

Finding the best furnace for your home isn’t always an easy task. Winter season is fast approaching, and staying warm in Washington is always a top priority. Keeping a few simple tips in mind is a great way to help you find a furnace that best meets your needs without going over budget. Here are three tips to remember to help you choose a furnace to keep you and your family warm this winter. 1. Find the Right Size One of the most important aspects of finding a furnace is to

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Why are humidifiers used more in heating than cooling?

October 20, 2020

Are Humidifiers More Important When Heating or Cooling a Home? A humidifier can be used year-round to handle unpleasant dryness inside your home. However, you may find yourself reaching for a humidifier more in winter. In fact, humidifiers are so important for heaters that many heaters come with a built-in humidifying component. There are a few key reasons for why humidifiers are used alongside heaters more frequently than air conditioners. Humidifiers Fix Dry Winter Air Heaters are typically run when it is cold outside, and this is also the time of year when humidity

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How Your HVAC System Affects Your Home’s Resale Value

September 18, 2020

An HVAC system does many important things for homeowners, and maintaining the interior temperature is an obvious duty. An efficient system could even keep energy costs down. There’s another element a well-running HVAC system brings to the table: it might help the home’s resale value. Buyers look at many items when pricing a home. They will doubtfully overlook the HVAC system’s positives or drawbacks. Buying a Home and Inheriting the Costs When purchasing a new home, the buyer also procures the heating/cooling system inside of it. If the unit is relatively new, that could be a

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How to Reduce Exposure to Indoor Air Pollutants

August 11, 2020

Having poor air quality in your home can lead to a wide variety of health issues. Exposure to indoor air pollutants can make asthma worse and lead to heart and lung disease in the long run. Reducing your exposure to indoor air pollution is important for the health of everyone in your home. Benefits of Air Purifiers Having an air purifier in your home can help remove particulates and volatile organic compounds that can be circulating through your home. You can choose to have individual air purifiers in the rooms that you use most often,

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How Indoor Air Quality Data Helps HVAC Technicians

May 13, 2020

You would be surprised how much the quality of the air in your home can tell a technician. This is one of the main reasons why our NATE-certified technicians always run a few quick tests before they start working on a system. If you have areas in your house with pockets of warm air, for example, this can let our technicians know that there is a blockage within your system that is causing issues. While this is a simple fix and an easy thing to troubleshoot, NORCO Heating & Air Conditioning does not take shortcuts for our Spokane customers. We catch

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How to Ensure an HVAC Company is Reliable

April 16, 2020

Your heating and cooling system will need regular repair and maintenance. Therefore, you will want to be in contact with HVAC contractors who can offer much-needed heating and cooling repair services. However, not all companies should be entrusted with one of the most expensive electrical systems in your home. Here are three factors that you should consider to determine if an HVAC company is reliable. Read Online Reviews With the emergence of technology, it has now become easier for customers to learn more about a company. Online reviews are allowing potential customers to learn from the

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When to Replace Your HVAC System

December 27, 2019

To repair or replace, that is the question that likely comes to mind whenever your heating or cooling system stops working as it should. Although repairing may be the most affordable solution now, it might not be the best choice in the long run. Factors to consider: Fifty Percent Rule When the cost of repairs approaches 50% of the value of your heating or cooling system, it’s generally time to replace the system. Age Even if needed repair costs aren’t quite as daunting as 50%, you might want to

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